OD5SK information
Operator: Samir Khayat , QTH : Tripoli - Lebanon , Locator: KM74 , QSL Manager: IZ8CLM
...Thank you for signing my GuestbookFavorite Bands & Modes
My favorites bands are 10m & 6m ,however I am QRV on most of the Amateur Radio bands.My favorite mode is SSB , CW and digital modes like PSK and FT8
STATION details
Transceivers:Yeasu FT-101E , FT-890AT , SDR . Antenna Cushcraft A3S , Interface: US Navigator for digital modes. QRV on DMR.
HZ1SK information
Operator: Samir Khayat , QTH : Jeddah - Saudi Arabia , Locator: KL91 , QSL Manager: IZ8CLM
...Thank you for signing my GuestbookFavorite Bands & Modes
My favorite band is 10m & 6m ,however I am QRV on most of the Amateur Radio bands.My favorite mode is SSB , CW and digital modes like PSK and FT8
STATION details
Transceivers:ICOM IC-756PROIII , ICOM IC-775DSP , YAESU FT-736R. Antenna Cushcraft A4S , Interface: US Navigator for digital modes. QRV on DMR.